Professional Learning Opportunities

The VGA host numerous professional learning seminars and workshops throughout the year. Several of these are held on an annual basis. Other workshops are conducted on a limited basis. Please see the workshop opportunities listed below. Additionally, we periodically share opportunities from our affiliate organizations. If an annual event has passed, please subscribe to our mailing list or follow us on social to be notified of the next opportunity . Please see our Twitter/X page for the most up to date opportunities.

AP Human Geography Institute

  • For over a decade the VGA has sponsored these academies to help build a state wide network of APHG teachers with a deep understanding of concepts taught in the APHG course and to help educators who teach any course to develop the knowledge and skills needed to ensure all learners become geo-literate.

  • Fall 2024 (Specific date will be announced April 2024)

You Can Map That: GIS Training

  • A comprehensive introduction to implementing and using digital mapping software in your K-12 classroom. This is a virtual workshop. Registration will be available in April 2024.

  • June 20, 2024

Chesapeake Bay Institute

  • This place-based institute explores climate change and aims to develop transformational material to be used in classrooms, engaging students across K-20 curriculum. The four-day institute features a field excursion to Tangier Island, professional lectures, and emphasizes the science of climate change and equitable resilience.


  • July 21-24 or July July 24- July 27

Virtual Energy Academy

  • Join the Virtual Energy Academy this spring, supported by the VGA and the University of Richmond. We're looking for six Virginia HS educators to join our pilot cohort. Participants will receive a $750 stipend & collaborate with experts.

  • Spring 2024

GeoExplorer Teacher Institute

  • Calling all Virginia educators! Register for the upcoming GeoExplorer Teacher Institute to enhance your teaching skills through the use of An Atlas of Virginia. This opportunity will provide PD points and a $200 stipend

  • April 20, 2024

Affiliate Opportunities

Virtual Energy Academy

1882 Foundation Summer Internship

  • Looking for a summer internship related to Asian American history and culture?

  • Summer 2024

Explorer Classroom

  • Register now for the new Explorer Classroom Storytelling Series and immerse your learners in an exciting program to explore the power of storytelling and connect to the important stories in their own communities!

    The Explorer Classroom Storytelling Series will run weekly from April 11 – May 16, 2024, featuring Explorers who bring storytelling to life through narrative, photography, and video. Participating classrooms should be in grades 3-8 (ages 8-14). For more detailed information, read our Storytelling Series blog post.

  • April 11- May 16

    Register here

Resisting Massive Resistance

  • On Saturday, May 4, 2024, Virginia educators are invited to attend our professional development program “Resisting Massive Resistance: Memory, Forgetting, and the Modern Education Rights Movement, 60 Years After Griffin v. Board, 70 Years After Brown v. Board.” 

    This half-day symposium, held at the Jefferson School African American Heritage Center in Charlottesville, will forefront how Black Virginians utilized the judicial system to defeat Massive Resistance and expand democracy and civil rights in education. The commemorative event will also use the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown v. Board and 1964 Griffin v. Board decisions as entry points into a broader consideration of how Civil Rights Era collective memory permeates education today.

    More information

  • May 4, 2024