VGA News and Notes
VGA Members Attend Annual ESRI Conference
VGA members attended and presented at the annual ESRI User Conference in San Diego. Information about their presentations is highlighted in this post
Mapping Segregation’s Impacts
CNU Professor and VGA Member Dr. Johnny Finn appeared on a local PBS affiliate to discuss his work on impact of redlining through a series of maps. (Video courtesy of PBS VPM)
VGA member wins DAR award
Congratulations to VGA member Theresa Tempesta (center) for receiving the Virginia Outstanding Teacher of American History award from the Virginia Daughters of the American Revolution. The VGA is lucky to have amazing members like Theresa!
VGA Members Tiya Shaw and Lillian Brown Awarded Grant for the Enhancement of Geographic Literacy
Tiya Shaw and Lillian Brown have been awarded a grant for Enhancement of Geographic Literacy, sponsored by the Geography Education National Implementation Project.
Living Apart: Geography of segregation in the 21st Century
VGA Steering Committee member and Christopher Newport professor Johnny Finn recently unveiled an exhibit exploring the ongoing impacts of our nation’s long history of housing discrimination at the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art.
Albemarle High School teacher sparks students’ interest in geography
Albemarle High School teacher and VGA co-coordinator Chris Bunin uses myriad skills and techniques to get students interested in geography.
Video Courtesy of NBC29
GeoSpatial Brain Power
A group of researchers from six American universities are studying what effect a classroom-based spatial education has on the development of the spatial thinking and reasoning skills of high school students. The research team wants to find out how the students, who use GIS technology for class projects, go about solving complex reasoning problems and whether their brains are physically changing in response to spatial learning. (Article courtesy of ESRI)